What Not to Plant with Cilantro

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Cilantro is a popular garden herb celebrated for its distinct taste and fragrance. Still, it’s essential to know that some herbs and vegetables may not thrive when planted in close proximity to it.

Due to their different moisture requirements, cilantro is not a good garden companion for herbs like rosemary, sage, oregano, thyme, and lavender. Dill and mint also make poor herb garden companions to cilantro. Avoid growing cilantro near cucumbers and carrots as well.

What Herbs Not to Plant with Cilantro

Choosing the right herbs to grow alongside this popular herb is essential. While cilantro thrives when planted with particular companions like parsley and chervil, a few herbs should be avoided due to their incompatible nature.

Avoid Planting Drought-Resistant Herbs with Cilantro

Cilantro has specific water requirements and prefers consistently moist soil. Due to its moisture requirements, cilantro should not be planted with drought-resistant herbs such as rosemary, sage, oregano, thyme, and lavender. These herbs are known for their ability to withstand dry conditions and do not make good companion plants to cilantro.

Drought tolerant herbs

No Rosemary - small icon

Rosemary: Rosemary is a hardy herb known for its ability to thrive in dry conditions. When planted alongside cilantro, which requires consistently moist soil, the differing water preferences can result in an uneven distribution of moisture. Rosemary companion planting with cilantro is not recommended.

No Sage - small icon

Sage: Sage is another drought-resistant herb that should not be planted near cilantro, which flourishes in moist environments. The incompatibility in water requirements may hinder the development of both plants, making cilantro a poor companion plant with sage.

No Oregano - small icon

Oregano: Oregano’s resilience in dry conditions makes it a poor companion to moisture-loving cilantro. The incongruity in their watering requirements can lead to challenges in providing optimal growing conditions for both plants. Oregano companion planting with cilantro is not advised due to their different moisture needs.

No Thyme - small icon

Thyme: Thyme’s ability to withstand arid environments puts it at odds with cilantro’s need for steady hydration, making for poor garden companionship. It is best to never companion plant thyme with cilantro in the same area.

No Lavender - small icon

Lavender: Lavender prospers in dry soils and does poorly in the presence of cilantro, which is a moisture-loving herb. The conflicting requirements can lead to stunted growth for both herbs, as their watering needs compete and may not be adequately met. Cilantro therefore makes a poor lavender garden companion.

Dill and Cilantro Can Cross-Pollinate

No Dill - small icon

Due to the risk of cross-pollination between dill and cilantro, it is not advisable to plant these herbs in proximity to one another. This could result in hybridization, where the flavors of both herbs become altered or compromised. To avoid any unwanted changes in flavor or quality of your cilantro crop, do not companion plant with dill near your cilantro patch.

Mint Can be Invasive and Take over garden space

No Mint - small icon

Mint is known for being invasive, as it can quickly take over any available space. Mint tends to spread through underground runners, which can be challenging to control once established. If planted near cilantro, mint may overpower and outcompete the cilantro plants, reducing their growth and vigor.

To prevent mint from dominating your herb garden, it is best to keep it separate from cilantro. When companion planting with mint, consider planting it in containers or designated areas where its growth can be contained.

Cilantro Companion Planting Chart - best and worst pairings

Can I Plant Cilantro with Cucumbers?

No Cucumbers - small icon

Cucumbers are notorious for their vigorous growth and ability to take over garden spaces, which can be problematic when planted alongside cilantro. Both plants require similar nutrients from the soil, so their proximity can lead to resource competition.

Cucumbers will outcompete cilantro for essential nutrients such as nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium. Cilantro growth can be stunted as a result of nutrient deficiencies. To ensure healthy growth, keeping them away from cucumbers is best.

Can I Plant Cilantro with Carrots?

No Carrots - small icon

Carrots and cilantro both belong to the Apiaceae family, raising cross-pollination concerns when planted near each other. This cross-pollination can lead to unfavorable outcomes in taste and affect yields.

To avert these concerns, separate carrots and cilantro in your garden to ensure their distinct qualities and optimal growth.

What Grows Well with Cilantro?

Cilantro thrives alongside other herbs that prefer moist conditions, such as parsley, basil, and chives, making it a versatile addition to your garden. Its presence is beneficial for deterring pests from a variety of vegetables, including cabbage, broccoli, kale, and potatoes, enhancing the overall health of your vegetable patch.

Additionally, cilantro enjoys the company of beans, peas, tomatoes, and peppers, as well as flowering plants like alyssum, zinnias, sunflowers, and marigolds, which can attract beneficial pollinators and improve biodiversity in your garden.

See more article on Companion Planting with Cilantro: Best & Worst Pairings to learn more about which garden plants grow well with cilantro.

Last Updated on 4 March 2024 by Bob Lee

About Bob Lee

Bob Lee is a gardening and culinary arts enthusiast currently residing in Minnesota's northern climate. He shares his 25+ years of experience on HerbGardenCooking.com where he combines practical gardening know-how with inventive cooking techniques.